SKY77916-21 SKY77916-31 SKY13498-21 SKY77576-11
SKY77912-11 SKY77762-11 SKY13477-001 SKY77903-11
SKY77570-12 SKY77190 SKY13416-485LF SKY77824-11
SKY77593-21 SKY77928-11 SKY13417-485LF SKY77627-11
SKY77585-11 SKY77728-14 SKY65611-11 SKY77765-11
sky77584-11 SKY77553-11 SKY77927-21 SKY19249-686LF
SKY77706-8 SKY13596-397LF SKY77927-11 SKY85732-11
VENUS634FLPX SKY13582-676LF SKY77597-11 SKY77517-11A
SKY77778-51 SKY77781-11 SKY77590-61 SKY85709-11
SKY77328-13 SKY77753-51 SKY19003-001 SKY77821-21
SKY13477 SKY77594-11 SKY77638-11 SKY77621-11
SKY65601-477LF SKY77517-21 SKY13396-397LF SKY85608-11
SKY13309-370LF SKY77555-21 SKY77758-21 SKY77651-11
SKY13448-001 SKY77594-31 SKY77569-11 SKY13317-373LF
SKY13489-001 SKY77590-51 SKY77916-11 SKY13314-374LF
SKY13351-378LF SKY85613-11 SKY13404-466LF SKY13319-374LF
ALT6658LQ7 SKY77721-15 SMS7630-061 SKY13351-378LF
SKY77824-E2 SKY77555-11 SKY85720-11 SKY13370-374LF
SKY77344-11 SKY85774-11 SKY65111-348LF SKY13373-460LF
SKY77344-21 SKY77582-11 SKY77814-11 SKY13348-374LF
SKY77550-21 SKY58096-11 SKY77908-11 SKY13330-397LF
SKY77645-11 SKY85321-11 SKY77910-11 SKY13350-385LF
SKY77643-31 SKY13492-21 SKY77902-11 SKY13582-676LF
SKY77643-61 SKY77351-21 SKY77761-11 SKY13585-679LF
SKY13437-11 SKY77351-13 SKY13551-668LF SKY13581-676LF
SKY77550-11 SKY77354-15 SKY77546-11 SKY13587-378LF
SKY85207-11 SKY77551-81 SKY77769-11 SKY13588-460LF
SKY85203-11 SKY77641-21 SKY77758-11 SKY13586-678LF
SKY77568-11 SKY77912-51 SKY77704-15 SKY13526-485LF
AAT2215IWP-T1 SKY13488-21 SKY85303-21 SKY13552-669LF
SKY13563-670LF SKY13575-639LF SKY13551-668LF SKY13561-670LF
The SKY13582-676LF is a single-pole, triple-throw (SP3T) switch.No external DC blocking capacitors are required on the RF pathsas long as there is no DC voltage on the RF line. The switch canoperate over the temperature range of −40 °C to +85 °C.
Switching is controlled by two CMOS/TTL compatible controlvoltage inputs (VC1 and VC2). Depending on the logic voltage levelapplied to the control pin, the RFC pin is connected to one of threeswitched RF outputs (RF1, RF2, or RF3) by using a low insertionloss path, while the path between the RFC pin and the other RFpins is in isolation.
The SKY13582-676LF is provided in a small 9-pin,1.1 x 1.1 x 0.5 mm QFN package.